ins and outs of building a non-profit from the ground up
with maggie doyne



I have been a long time admirer of people (especially women) who do things different than the status quo. Who have a desire, a passion and a fuel to do something big- and actually follow that calling.

It's SO hard friends. SO freaking hard. Which is why I was so fuled and inspired by my conversation with my friend Maggie Doyne, founder of the BlinkNow foundation.

Listen to this episode to hear:

  • What it looks like to navigate privilege, radically listen and work through the "white savior complex"

  • How to have scrappy, messy hope in the midst of todays cultural climate

  • Ins and outs of motherhood in all of its shapes and sizes

  • The power of simplicity and getting our basic needs met

If you enjoyed this episode, I’d love to hear what you think in an
iTunes review!

Maggie Doyne is a humanitarian, activist, co-founder, and CEO of the BlinkNow Foundation. Maggie's adventure began at 19 years old when she took a gap year following her graduation from Mendham High School in New Jersey. She embarked on a tour of the world with just her backpack and found herself in a small village in Nepal where she met impoverished children, including one little girl crushing stones in a riverbed. Moved to action, Maggie took the money she earned babysitting and sent the little girl and several others to school before founding the BlinkNow Foundation. Together with her co-founder, Tope Malla, she opened the Kopila Valley Children's Home to provide a loving home for homeless and orphaned children.

Since 2007, the Children's Home has grown and the foundation now also supports the Kopila Valley School, which educates more than 400 children in Nepal, the Women's Center, an education and training center that empowers women in Nepal, a Health & Wellness program.

Maggie was named a CNN Hero of the Year in 2015 and was honored as a Forbes "Top 30 under 30" Social Entrepreneur and by the Dalai Lama as an Unsung Hero of Compassion.

Maggie, who is now married and mother to two young children, shares her story with the world through her new book "Between the Mountain and the Sky; A Mother's Story of Love, Loss, Healing and Hope," published in March of this year.

Do we have to suffer in order to live into our passions?