why good news is harder to swallow
with branden harvey



The world right now is filled with headlines that will make you question everything about the future of this globe. Things can look really bleak out there if that's all you're focusing on.

Branden Harvey with the GoodGoodGood Co. is committed to telling not feel good stories, but stories about events that are actually moving the needle towards fighting for the common good.

  • Why staying engaged in good news is good for your mental health

  • How the work that you've done in your past never goes in vein.

  • The importance of transparency and asking for help

  • How Branden works through difficulties and hard times in creating his meaningful work.

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Branden Harvey is a storyteller focused on the good in the world. He's the host of the podcast Sounds Good, the creator of the Goodnewspaper, a printed newspaper full of good news, and built an online community over more than 350,000 world changers. He's helped brands like Disney, Square, Southwest Airlines, and (RED) tell meaningful stories with heart all over the world. He's been written about and featured by media including The Washington Post, Seventeen Magazine, Fortune Magazine, and Mashable.